How many of these solutions for a sexless marriage have you tried without success?
Becoming a better lover
- Romantic outings
- Wearing sexy lingerie
- Bringing flowers
- Giving gifts
- Flirting with your spouse
- Going on marriage retreats
- Reasoning from the scriptures
- Anger
- Crying
- Withholding sex yourself
- Helping more around the house
- Helping more with the kids
- Having an affair
- Substituting porn for love
These efforts fail because it's not about you... matter how much your sexless spouse blames you. A dead bedroom is only the most obvious sign of 24/7 character flaws that your depriving mate brought to your marriage. Your bedroom misery won't end until you face the real issue of being "without natural affection."
Are you ready to get to the root of the problem? Well, are you?
Take the free Sexless Marriages & Without Natural Affection Reflective Survey to open your eyes to the overriding problem of being without natural affection. Six checklists of intensely personal simple questions help you analyze the true state of your relationship so you can start solving the problems. The survey will help you get to the heart of the problem of your spouse withholding intellectual, emotional, and sexual love.
Click the link below to learn about this FREE groundbreaking survey.
Sexless Marriages & Without Natural Affection Reflective Survey
Congregational Without Natural Affection Reflective Survey, Analysis & Support
Help When the Survey Won’t Let You Proceed to the Next Checklist
Review Your Answers & Conclusions — Order a PDF Copy of the Sexless Marriages Survey
Free Reports
When you participate in either of the above surveys, you'll be given the password to three free reports. These reports will give you further insights into your sexless marriage and help you start healing your crushed masculine or feminine spirit.
You can read about these free reports at the Sexless Marriages & Without Natural Affection Reflective Survey.
After you complete the survey click on the reports below and enter your case sensitive password. You may download the reports or read them online.
Protected article: Which Describes You? Codependent, Narcissist, or Lover Download
If you have problems accessing the downloads after you've completed the survey, contact Patsy at